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4. HSB
Calculation of gradient via HSB

Gradient range:
The interval between brightness Initial and brightness final defines the gradient and can be written in equation 3 by replacing brightness final with:
Brightness (sp%): Initial → Final.
Gradient direction:
The direction of the arrow is equal to the direction of the gradient.

Calculation of distance between color 1 and 2:

Calculation of distance between color 1 and 2:

Saturation and brightness change proportionally with change of hypotenuse. Calculation of Saturation when distance changes:
Length change per %:

Calculation of brightness when distance
Length change per %:

5. Square and spectral gradient (HSB)
Square gradient
How to calculate the square gradient for HSB color picker when Hue is fixed.

Square gradient – Color picker Photoshop.
Equation.10 from: RGB & HSB (HSV).

The gradient is fixed from bottom to top and follows the same direction as how saturation and brightness are conventionally used.
'Brightness and saturation are expressed as percentage (0.01P) in this equation.

Definition of arguments:

The argument can be written as follows:

The equation to calculate the square gradient will be:

The designation S1, B1 means that the brightness and saturation of this color are 100% and is equal to 1 when normalized.

Spectral gradient (0Ëš → 360Ëš)

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