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Distance Dependent Sliding Motion Illusion - Some esplanations

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Distance Dependent Sliding Motion Illusion - Some explanations - Page-1

Motion Trigger Point & Segmentation:

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- Four motion-trigger-points have been marked and named with letters A-D.

- The reading pattern has been divided into four segments. Segments one and two have the same length and slope, while segments three and four have the same length and slope. Segment one and two are identical in shape and structure but are in different locations. The same applies to segments three and four.

Motion direction and intensite - Competitive effect:

​When scrolling downward

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- Competitive effect: When Scrolling down; The direction of movement (MD) of segments one (1) and two (2) is in the opposite direction compared to segments three (3) and four (4). This means that they try to interrupt each other's illusory direction of movement (MD) or compete with each other.


- When scrolling down; Segments one (1) and two (2) produce strong illusory motion (slope dependent), while segments three (3) and four (4) produce weak illusory motion effects.


​When scrolling upward

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- When you scrolling up; The direction of movement is reversed compared to when scrolling down.
Competitive effect: Segment one (1) and two (2) are still the strongest, while segments three (3) and four (4) produce weak illusory motion effects. 
The final motion direction will therefore be determined by the first and second segments.


​When scrolling leftward

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- Competitive effect: When Scrolling left; The direction of movement (MD) of segments one (1) and two (2) is in the opposite direction compared to segments three (3) and four (4). This means that they try to interrupt each other's illusory direction of movement (MD) or compete with each other.


- When scrolling left; Segments one (1) and two (2) produce weak illusory motion (slope dependent), while segments three (3) and four (4) produce strong illusory motion effects. 


- The final motion direction will therefore be determined by the third and fourth segments.


​When scrolling rightward

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- When you scrolling right; The direction of movement is reversed compared to when scrolling left.
Competitive effect: Segment three (3) and four (4) are still the strongest, while segments one (1) and two (2) produce weak illusory motion effects. 
The final motion direction will therefore be determined by the third and fourth segments.


Motion direction similarities and differences compared to the spine drift illusion:

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Contrast Differences:


- By using bars with opposite contrast (black and white version), the effect becomes stronger and gives the possibility to multiply the pattern. See the [Link]. 


Changing the distance between different motion trigger points: 

Imagaginary Frames:

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                 Demo 1.0.B:             


- By changing the distance between different motion trigger points the final intensity can be affected.


                 Demo 1.0.B:             

Distance Dependent Sliding Motion Illusion - Some esplanations

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