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Color Inversion
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Conversion from RGB to RGB-inverse
(How to calculate the inverse of a color - Method-1)

Color subtraction:
- The equation means: The white color minus any selected color generates its inverse (complementary color).

Complementary Colors
(How to calculate the inverse of a color - Method-2)

- When the RGB color spectrum is inverted, a 180-degree shift in hue occurs.

Gray Scale
(How to calculate the inverse of a color - Method-3 )
- When the saturation is 0%, R = G = B.
- The variable that is necessary for calculating the inversion is brightness.

When saturation or brightness is 100%
(How to calculate the inverse of a color - Method-4)

- When inverted: (A) the hue is moved to the left by 180 degrees. (B) The spectrum is turned upside down.

Conversion from HSB (hsv) to HSB (hsv) inverse:
(How to calculate the inverse of a color - Method-5)

- When saturation and brightness are from 0 to 100%.
Conversion from HSB (hsv) to RGB inverse:
(How to calculate the inverse of a color - Method-6)

Color Inversion
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